Aortic stenosis
Station 3: Cardiology examination
Likely vignette: "This person has presented with chest pain / breathlessness / collapse"
Examination features:
Slow-rising pulse – weaker and later compared to normal pulse
Imagine a pulse rolling across your fingers, rather than a discrete pulsation​
Anaemia – conjunctival pallor, possible manifestation of angiodysplasia or haemolysis (rare in native heart valves, more common in prosthetic valves)
Check JVP, if raised suggestive of decompensation
Ejection systolic murmur
Typically crescendo-decrescendo in nature
Loudest over the aortic area and in held expiration
Radiates to the carotids, but may be heard elsewhere
Is S2 well heard? If not, this is a sign of severity
May be associated with a palpable thrill
Lung bases:
Bibasal crepitations suggestive of decompensation of heart failure
Pitting oedema suggestive of decompensated heart failure
Differential diagnosis for a systolic murmur
Aortic sclerosis - softer murmur, typically does not radiate
Mitral regurgitation - pansystolic, best heard at the apex, radiates to axilla
Ventricular septal defect - loud pansystolic murmur, best heard at left lower sternal edge
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - ejection systolic murmur, best heard at left lower sternal edge, likely to be a young patient
Pulmonary stenosis - rare, likely to be a younger patient with congenital aetiology
Key tip
Consistency is key. If you can tell that the murmur is ejection systolic, then you will be able to present a more concise list of differential diagnoses.
If you are unsure but know that is is a systolic murmur, give differentials for a systolic murmur but justify why it’s unlikely to be something else.
Aetiology of aortic stenosis:
80% degenerative calcification – aged 70-85yrs
5-10% Congenital bicuspid valve – 40-60yrs
Rheumatic fever (rare)
12-lead ECG:
LV hypertrophy due to AS
Conduction defects e.g. LBBB or any degree of heart (AVN) block
- ​10% of patients go onto have a pacemaker post-TAVI
- This is due to the proximity of the aortic valve annulus to the AV node during deployment of the valve
Routine blood tests – FBC, U&Es, LFTs, coagulation
These may affect what drugs are given post-operatively and for long-term management
Not usually critical to diagnosis
​Echocardiogram to:
Qualify diagnosis:
Calcified cusps
Restricted opening of valve leaflets
Bicuspid valve
Quantify severity:
Mean gradient >40mmHg (peak gradient >64mmHg but this is less valued by the British Society of Echocardiography in severity assessment)
Dimensionless index: ratio of blood flow velocity across aortic valve to velocity in LVOT, severe is <0.25
Valve area is still relevant, <1cm is classed as severe
LV function assessment
CXR: any evidence of pulmonary oedema, cardiomegaly or other signs of heart failure
Special tests:
Gated CT TAVI – to measure valve annulus size (so they can choose the correctly sized valve), and assess suitability of peripheral vascular access
Lung function tests – often done pre-operatively if the patient is a current or previous smoker
Coronary angiogram – it is often possible to perform CABG surgery at the time of valve replacement
Carotid doppler – no longer routine but may be asked for by cardiothoracic surgeons if high risk for stroke
Dr Dorman's view:
>75yrs – default management should be TAVI unless not technically favourable
<75yrs – default should be surgical aortic valve replacement
There are no evidence-based drug options that prevent or treat aortic stenosis
Balloon valvuloplasty can be used as a palliative measure for symptom control
Common examiner questions
What are the pros and cons of TAVI versus surgical AV​
What are the complications of untreated aortic stenosis?
Heart failure
Brady / tachyarrhythmias
Injury from falls following syncope
Anaemia due to haemolysis, angiodysplasia or Heyde’s syndrome
What are the most significant complications of TAVI?
Pacemaker (10%)
Vascular access complications (5%)
Stroke, MI, blockage of coronary artery, annular rupture, apex perforation (2%)
1. Petrou, L. and Shah, B. 2018. Aortic valve disease. Medicine, 46(11), pp.676-681
2. Nickson, C. Life in the Fast Lane. [Internet]. Updated Nov 3, 2020. Available from:
3. Ring, L., Shah, B.N., Bhattacharyya, S. et al. Echocardiographic assessment of aortic stenosis: a practical guideline from the British Society of Echocardiography. Echo Res Pract 8, G19–G59 (2021).
4. Jabbour Richard J., Latib Azeem, Colombo Antonio et al. 2021. Editorial: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation—Current Challenges and Future Directions. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine. 8; 2021. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2021.748376